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I am just starting to write my Bachelor's thesis about LCA of Hydrogen production, with the goal to compare different hydrogen production methods, the following will be compared:

- PEM and Alkaline electrolysis from renewable energy sources (wind, PV)
- Natural gas steam reforming
- coal gasification

The emphysis of the comparison lies on the GHG emissions and the energy demand. I want to show, that hydrogen produced by renewable energy is, altough it is more expensve, better for the environment.

I need to find the right datasets for the mining and manufacturing process of the plants that will be in Europe. As I am completely new to LCA methodology and software I don't know where to start searching and which database will fit my concern the best.

Can I combine datasets of multiple databases? Is there a recommended freely available database or can't I get around purchasing the ecoinvent 3.6 database?
in Miscellaneous by (170 points)
by (410 points)

I am also having this same question... I have just started my master's and the topic of my thesis is a feasibility study where I intend on doing a life cycle assessment of the production of hydrogen at an isolated island using offshore wind energy and electrolysis. I am wondering if you have found your answer! is it possible to have these datasets free? I have used GaBi Software before, however, back then I had access to databases from university's license. Now I am lost because the university I am in does not have access to ecoinvent, or any other database. I am also new to Open LCA, so in case you have any tips for me regarding this type of data of hydrogen production, I will appreciate a lot!

Thank you.
by (100 points)

Did the original poster (romanoeffi), manage to use OpenLCA and datasets for their LCA of Hydrogen production thesis? If the thesis is available anywhere I would be interested in reading it.
Thank you.

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