0 votes
Hi, thanks for release of (olca version of) Ecoinvent 3.6. Along with 1.10.2, lots of nice things there!

I notice that many if not all of the processes that are new for Ecoinvent 3.6 (i.e. all the ones I've looked at, e.g. those in I:55\551\5510 (short term accommodation)) use the same UUID for LCI (system) processes and the equivalent unit processes. This means that the databases can't be combined without losing some of them.

Sorry to repeat this but I still don't understand why it is done this way? The processes are new so it can't be back-compatibility can it? It seems like more work for greendelta and I can't see any advantage to it - is it deliberate?

I really do appreciate all of the incredible and hard work that goes into getting this database ready :) Please, please, though, could you consider keeping the UUIDs unique for any future additions?

in openLCA by (2.0k points)
by (115k points)
I hear you - we 'll discuss this internally. You can combine now but need to export as JSON-LD and then reimport and I agree that this is not convenient.
by (2.0k points)
Andreas - thanks!
I didn't think of that - it would not be inconvenient if I could do something like that.
 However, I'm not sure I understand how that would work, perhaps I've misunderstood. If I export processes (either just the new ones or the whole of e.g. the unit processes database) as JSON-LD format, I think the UUID is maintained (this seems sensible). When I reimport that JSON-LD, none of those three options (never update data that exists, update with newer version, overwrite all) would end up with the imported processes having new UUIDs and both ending up in combined database.
Sorry, if I misunderstand. Again, really appreciate your comments and, of course, making this available.
by (2.0k points)
Ah, I think you possibly mean exporting and importing individual system processes as they're needed. Fair enough - I can see that that would work and might not actually end up much more work as practically, we'd be replacing unit processes with system processes as providers anyway.

...in fact, if ALL of the unit and equivalent system processes had identical UUID, then that would also be cool as then we could use the unit processes database to create foreground model, export those processes, import into system processes database and then create product system and we'd still have unit processes for foreground and system processes linked to that. That would be great but I guess it would break provider links in previous models.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (290 points)
Dear Sam, we reacted to your concerns and included the change of the UUIDs for all LCI databases in ecoinvent 3.6 in an update. Please find more information here: https://www.openlca.org/update-of-ecoinvent-3-6-databases-in-nexus/
by (140 points)
Fantastic, thanks GreenDelta!