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I followed all the steps in the manual and added the EPD result output manually in the product system model graph. I'm using the same LCIA method (TRACI 2.1) for both the EPD results and the results for the product system. Any advice?
in openLCA by (130 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (360 points)
Hello Mijeoma,
So, if you imported the EPD results via ILCD format way, you may be facing an issue with the synchronization of the impact categories for the imported EPD results. In such case, I would suggest you create a new process and map the results manually using elementary flows that match with the impact categories of TRACI 2.1.
I hope this is clear!
by (130 points)
Thank you Ashrakat. However, I imported the EPD from EC3. Do you think I should follow the same process to resolve it?
by (360 points)
Actually, it should work when using EC3. I would check two things then:
1. the database you are using - if it is the en 15804 add on for ecoinvent 3.9.1 - then I believe the traci 2.1 method is not existing, so you will not see the results ther; but it exisits in the normal ecoinvent database
2. when you import the EC3 method, a pop-up window appears where it asks you to select the mapped method -> I would then select the traci 2.1 method and then go through each impact category appearing and mapping it with the appropriate impact category

Hope this is clear!
by (130 points)
Thank you, Ash. Everything is working now.