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Is it possible to export the parameters and their UUIDs and descriptions in an excel sheet?

When I follow Tools -> Parameters ; I can't copy/paste the table, and there aren't the UUIDs.

I tried with the function "select * from tbl_parameters" in the SQL developer window, but then I can't see the description of the parameters.

Thank you

in openLCA by (140 points)

1 Answer

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by (13.5k points)

Here is a link to a Python script that can be executed in openLCA and should write that table to a CSV file: https://gist.github.com/msrocka/0f89231fd3e3e98000b11b18dd748d54

by (140 points)
Thank you very much. I had to change some of my parameters' description, it didn't manage the "³" and "°" and always stopped at the first parameters with ³ in description. Now it's perfectly working!
by (120 points)
thank you for this skript!

is there any way to load the parameters in the csv file to open LCA (overwriting existing parameters in the database?

I would like to use the skript above to export all parameters and after applying some changes, I would like to load them back to openLCA.

Thanks a lot!