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Respected sir/madam,

i have a confusion regarding choice of impact assessment method for ecoinvent 2.2 sysem database. I have been using openlca lcia method v2.2.1 for this. am i doing it correct? and is  there any compatible ecoinvent impact asessment method available for the database i have selected.
in openLCA by (370 points)

1 Answer

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by (3.3k points)

impact assesment is how the impact calcuarecipe 2016ltions are valued. This picture from the Recipie 2016 handbook helped me understand. You can apply any of the many LCIA methods, but they will give different results and may not include impact pathways you need. The right impact assesment method is influenced by temporal scale, region, needed impact categories, and the weighting. If this is for class work, use the impact method your instrcutions suggest. If it professionally, see what impact assesment method is required for reporting standards. If its neither, find a comparision page and choose the one that will provided the best regionalized information you are looking for.

