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I am using open LCA on a mac and have downloaded the ecoinvent dataset in the .spold format and also a a zipped file. When I try to import this database into the openLCA I am unable to select the zip file but seem to be be able to select the individual .spold files which would take me ages as there are 100s of them. Any suggestions?

in openLCA by

1 Answer

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by (115k points)
Best answer
yes sure - please use our files from openLCA Nexus, not only this is faster but also these files work better with openLCA. And you support an open source project with this..
Thank you, Andreas
by (100 points)

Hi Andreas,
I have had the trouble as sam Mudit. I downloaded the ecoinvent 3.4 from openlca nexus, but I cannot import the database. I clicked: file/import/import entire database... there are not any file zolca, and if open by ecospold 2, there is dozen of files.
Thank you.

by (23.6k points)
edited by

Hi Cuong, comments are meant only for clarifictation and not for new questions: How does ask.openLCA work?
